Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Big World Day Everyone

If you haven't heard of "BIG WORLD DAY" you better ask somebody. That's right B-I-G W-O-R-L-D D-A-Y. It was last Saturday and I celebrated it with my kids as we have done since it's inception over 2 years ago. Here are some photos.

This holiday was created by Buster Morris and may be a worldwide holiday someday. The story goes like this:

I was driving in the car with my son shortly after Easter Sunday 2006

5 year old - Dad, who invents holidays?
Dad - I don't know
5 year old - Did Jesus make them up?
Dad - I guess, some of them.
5 year old - Can I make one up?
Dad - Sure.
5 year old - Okay, Saturday
Dad - What's it called
5 year old - Big World Day
Dad - What do you do on Big World Day?
5 year old - Climb a mountain.
Dad - To look at the Big World?
5 year old - To eat candy.

So we celebrated big world day that Saturday by climbing a mountian and eating candy at the top. Then I realized some conflicts. First, I think Earth Day is near that period and I think the whole month of April is environmentalist month or something. Apparently there is a global need every spring to offset the aroma of blossoming trees, plants and flowers with patchuli oil and B.O. This could be a bonus though, kind of trick the world into supporting something they don't know anything about, like the U.N.
The bigger problem is that it happens to fall within a couple days of my daughter's birthday, the Big World Day's creator and direct attention competition. If parental attention were political power, Buster and Abby would be Bill and Hillary Clinton. My daughter refused to participate for two years because she felt that it stole her birthday party thunder, but finally came with us this year.

So far my kids have written a Big World Day theme song on their piano and officially declared the Desert Tortise, Red Tailed Hawk and common Rock Lizard the mascots. We are currently accepting design submissions for a tee-shirt next year.

Mark your calendar and spread the word, the last Saturday in April is BIG WORLD DAY!


Robert Morris (Bubba) said...

I need to figure out how to get your exact post on my blog to advertise it a little more. I think we could take over earth day by telling the blind sheep masses it is a celebration of our World. The other half of me doesn't want any of them in my holiday.

Tiffany Feger said...

how cute! I'll celebrate it, only, it'll be hard to find a mountain:)

oh, and what does "buttons aren't toys" mean exactly?