Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ace Hogan Morris

Our fourth child and third son has finally found his way out of the darkness and into our home. He was born at 3:00am on Thursday April 24th 2008. Here are a couple of photos. Ace weighed 6 lbs. 5 ozs. and his mother won a cruise.
Holly was brave and strong during the delivery and has requested immediate disablization of my baby making abilities. Not sure how to accomplish that yet. Please send suggestions.


Bubba & Tara Morris said...

He is so cute and chubby. Joe are you sure he is yours?? I would ask the Hostess delivery man is he has visited your home.
we are so excited for you, as for the finality of child bearing... come on one more Abby needs a sister!!! Bubba says he is an amateur surgeon and would do it for free. His portfolio includes wild sheep and Bull.
We cannot wait to see ACE!

jj michael Photography said...

I have a rusty pair of nail clippers that I could take care of your little , and I mean little, problem.

He is a handsome boy. We sure miss and love you guys.


J. Michael Morris said...

Good to hear from you. You already know my comeback to that suggestion, and I assume that now, 12 years later, it is even less proportional to your body. Please send pictures to confirm my assumtion.
Love Joe